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IT Command OneDrive Monitor

One of the most popular programs today is OneDrive. OneDrive, Dropbox, and other cloud syncing folders are great, but sometimes you want to know when a new file or folder has been added to your cloud storage. Sometimes you want to know if someone has changed your important document. Now you can be notified of those changes quickly and easily! 

Download the Installer

NOTE: May not work on all systems. If you have trouble with it please let us know by calling the quick call number at the top of this screen. This program will not collect any personal data at any time. It uses limited internet resources and only on startup. ITCMDOD should not effect your CPU.

Notice: This program requires an ITCMD Account. If you have one for the Notifier program, you can use that. If not you can
purchase one at the shop!   â†™
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